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The AbleMaker Story. 

Hi everyone, this is Dan Wilkins, the creator of the AbleMaker Convertible Toilet Wheelchair. Thank you for visiting this website, which is dedicated to raising startup funds for my groundbreaking invention. Let me share the story behind the AbleMaker. I have been my mother Peggy's caregiver for nearly 10 years. Peggy endured a botched knee replacement, leading to severe pain and her knee being permanently bent. In 2020, we moved from Mississippi to Colorado, seeking the best orthopedic care. Unfortunately, her options were limited to either leg fusion or amputation. My mother chose fusion, but it failed just four days after surgery, resulting in an above-knee amputation. Now confined to a wheelchair, Peggy quite frequently struggled to transfer to the toilet, often falling when I wasn't available to help. This struggle sparked an idea. I studied her wheelchair, made some adjustments, and envisioned the AbleMaker. With the help of Davison, a company renowned for supporting inventors, I discovered that my idea is patentable and has tremendous market potential. Peggy's suffering has led to the creation of something that can help many people. A wheelchair that eliminates the risk of falling when going to the bathroom. Join us in making this vision a reality. Donate today by clicking "Donate/Invest" in the menu. There are many ways to donate and many options for investing. We appreciate your support.

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Meet Peggy, My Best Friend

I grew up watching my mom sing and light up the crowd. She always had jokes and compliments ready to make new friends. Despite enduring multiple cases of medical malpractice that led to her amputation, her heart remains free of bitterness. Instead, she focused on her recovery. While she had to accept that she would never walk long distances again, she chose to walk, and walk she does. She even goes to the gym now!

To send Peggy love and encouragement, email us at Thank you for your continued support!

The Mission and Vision

At AbleMaker LLC, we are passionately committed to empowering individuals with limited mobility. Our mission is to revolutionize independence and elevate quality of life through groundbreaking designs, patented innovations, and top-quality manufacturing. We take pride in creating products that transform challenges into triumphs, enabling our users to live life to the fullest.

In the U.S., 3.6 million individuals over the age of 15 use a wheelchair for mobility. Additionally, 3.2 million Americans rely on power wheelchairs and scooters. Each year, 2 million new wheelchair users are added. Among the 53.6 million children aged 5 to 17 in the U.S., about 20.9% have one or more physical, mental, or emotional disabilities, amounting to approximately 11.1 million children affected. Specifically, around 303,000 children in this age group use a wheelchair. Every one of these individuals, and countless more around the world, wants to feel proud and independent. Needing help using the toilet can strip away some of that pride. The AbleMaker changes that. It allows users to easily convert, roll over the toilet, clean up, and convert back to a stylish and comfortable wheelchair. Our vision extends to hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities, where a fleet of AbleMakers can provide greater independence and ease the burden on staff. We hope this invention provides a sense of safety and privacy that everyone deserves when using the bathroom.

Discover Davison Inventing Company

Davison Inventing has earned a stellar reputation for helping inventors bring their ideas to life. With over 30 years of experience, Davison has a proven track record of transforming innovative concepts into market-ready products. Their expertise and dedication have resulted in numerous successful brand deals, making them a trusted partner for inventors worldwide. Some of their most popular brand deals include products featured by major retailers such as Walmart, Target, Home Depot, and Amazon. These partnerships highlight Davison's ability to connect inventors with leading corporations, ensuring that their inventions reach a broad audience. I am thrilled to share that Davison has fully backed my project and will be guiding me every step of the way. Their comprehensive support includes: Creating and Designing Presentation Materials: Davison will craft digital hand-drawings, virtual renderings, and CAD drawings to visually communicate the features of my invention. Provisional Application for Patent: They will handle the filing of a provisional patent application, securing my intellectual property rights. Executive Summary Service: Davison will develop an executive summary that highlights the problem my invention solves and its key functional features. Corporation Targeting Service: They will design and conduct a four-pronged submission program targeting a variety of potential partners: Prong 1: Submit my invention to a select group of manufacturers and corporations. Prong 2: Present my invention to industry-specific manufacturers of similar products. Prong 3: Approach material-specific manufacturers and suppliers. Prong 4: Broaden the submission to manufacturers outside the specific industry. Idea Presentation Service: Davison will explore multiple avenues to present my invention effectively. Once manufacturers show interest, Davison's services extend further: Product Sample Development Service: Create a prototype of my product. Package Sample Development Service: Design and develop packaging samples. Video Sampling Service: Produce high-quality video presentations. Additional Virtual, Product & Packaging Services: Enhance the virtual and physical presentation of my product. Re-conditioning Virtual Reality, Sample, and Packaging Service: Refine and perfect the presentation materials. Licensing Agreement Service: Negotiate licensing agreements. Manufacturing Assistance Services: Provide support throughout the manufacturing process. Royalty Management Services: Manage royalty agreements and payments. Press Campaign Services: Launch a press campaign to generate buzz. Sales Support Services: Offer ongoing sales support to ensure the product's success. With Davison's expertise and unwavering support, I am confident that the AbleMaker Gen One will revolutionize mobility solutions and make a significant impact. Their comprehensive approach and dedication to excellence make them the perfect partner to bring my invention to life.



I am actively seeking serious investors, individuals with disabilities interested in being among the first 25 owners of the AbleMaker Gen One, and any donations, large or small. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please contact me during normal business hours or via the provided email.

(719) 501-3222

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